GMNP Update - February 14, 2025
Dear GMNP Members,
Happy Friday everyone! It’s been an exciting week, with the House starting their official committee meetings and things finally feeling a bit more normal. House hearings this week mostly featured an overview of agency activities, as well as information on other big topics that Chairs wanted members to be familiar with. In the Senate, committees started hearing bills as well, most of which are being held over for a possible future omnibus bill. You’ll see that the “missing middle housing” conversation is returning this year, and I’ll share more details about those proposals and look for your insights as those bills are introduced. The revisions we’ve been working on to make the State Housing Tax Credit work better for Greater Minnesota will be heard in the House Housing Committee on Wednesday, which is great news!
If you have questions or want to discuss anything further, I encourage you to reach out at or (651) 295-1908.
Darielle Dannen
Executive Director, Greater Minnesota Partnership
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"Missing Middle Housing" bills returning
Conversations continued this summer/fall around the “missing middle” housing proposals from last year, and on late Monday lawmakers shared a set of bill drafts for initial feedback. I joined a follow-up conversation this afternoon with that same group of lawmakers, who have pledged to continue to work on these proposals throughout the legislative session. I’m expecting the proposals to change before they can be shared, but in short, they continue to require cities to allow duplexes, ADUs and townhouses with some limits in areas zoned for residential housing. The bills also allow for multi-family housing in commercial zones except in heavy industrial areas. The bills also prohibit aesthetic mandates, mandate density and set statewide minimum lot sizes for single-family, duplexes and townhouses. City also may not impose parking minimums. As written, the bills are effective upon passage and cities may not delay their implementation through interim ordinances. I will want to talk to many of you about the potential impacts of these bills as they are introduced and move through the committee process.
Monday, February 10
- House Fraud Prevention and State Agency Oversight Policy Committee – The Office of the Legislative Auditor (OLA) presented their 2023 report “Oversight of State-Funded Grants to Nonprofit Organizations” to the Committee. You can review the presentation on this report here and the OLA’s list of recommendations and update to the 2023 report and current recommendations to the legislature. Chair Robbins shared that her expectation for this Committee is to primarily focus on oversight deep dives and that they will not spend the majority of their time considering individual bills, except for some specific bills around fraud and waste. She also raised a number of questions about training for grant management for state agency employees. Rep. Pinto noted that the report referenced is a year old and the surveys referenced are multiple years old. The OLA shared their opinion that not all state employees doing grants management understand the process and noted that the OGM has developed a training, but it’s not required for state employees. The Committee and OLA discussed legislatively-named grants and competitive grants. Rep. Rarick shared her preference for competitive grants and her wish that there was a better way for lawmakers and state agency staff to have a window into an individual grantee’s state grants, progress around those grants and cross-agency information sharing.
- Senate Housing and Homeless Prevention Committee – Two key bills were heard in Committee: S.F. 0203 Port - Housing infrastructure bonds issuance authorization and appropriation and
S.F. 0982 Boldon - Minnesota Housing Finance Agency appropriation for the economic development and housing challenge program increased by $10 million in FY26. GMNP sent a letter sharing our support for both bills and thanking the bill authors for their support for these key investments in housing. Senator Draheim asked about the debt service required for $400 million in HIB bonds, staff responded that annual costs would range but the total cost over 20 years, including the debt service, would be $606.4 million to the state. Senator Draheim shared his concerns about these costs. Senator Abler also shared concerns. Senator Port shared her hope that this bill is funded in some way as a component of lowering costs for Minnesotans and also pledged to overhaul policies that get in the way of housing production. The bills were both held over for possible inclusion in an Omnibus bill.
- House Housing Finance and Policy Committee – Commissioner Ho provided an update and overview of Minnesota Housing’s work. Members had numerous questions about why the cost of housing has risen rapidly. This led to a lively conversation about pandemic programs, potential regulatory changes and the overall challenges of the housing market. Commissioner Ho did share that the Governor is watching the discussions about potential regulatory changes around housing and pledged that if a bipartisan bill can be developed that the Governor would gladly sign it. The Commissioner also shared that about 70% of the funding allocated during the 2023 legislative session has been matched with a corresponding project but she did make it clear that many of the Agency’s awarded funds are not yet homes folks can live in.
Tuesday, February 18
- Senate Tax Committee - will hear SF7 (Rest) which makes changes to redevelopment districts.
Wednesday, February 19
- House Workforce, Labor, and Economic Development Committee - H.F. 47 (Schultz) – Provisions governing the certification of underground telecommunications installers modified.
- House Housing Finance and Policy Committee - HFXXXX (Dotseth) – Granting exceptions to income limits of the MN housing Tax credit contribution account grant and loan program for certain workforce housing.
- Senate Committee on Jobs and Economic Development - S.F. 0227 Draheim Tax-stressed cities demolition grant program establishment and special revenue fund account creation, and appropriation.
Additional hearings may be posted throughout the week.
Click here for the combined legislative calendar, which includes committee materials and livestream links. Many hearings can also be found on YouTube.
The House and Senate agreed to the following Legislative breaks (expect these to remain unchanged):
Expect bill deadlines to be announced soon, but there is no agreement yet.
If you have questions or want to discuss anything further, please feel free to reach out at or (651) 295-1908.
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