Over the past month, I've been traveling throughout the state to meet with prospective GMNP members and several other groups working on key Greater Minnesota issues at the Capitol, including child care, housing, and economic development.

GMNP Update - October 11, 2024

GMNP Update: A Newsletter for Members of the GMNP



Dear GMNP Members,


Over the past month, I've been traveling throughout the state to meet with prospective GMNP members and several other groups working on key Greater Minnesota issues at the Capitol, including child care, housing, and economic development. I also had the opportunity to meet a wide range of nonprofits doing important work in rural areas at the Greater Minnesota Nonprofit Summit hosted by the Minnesota Council of Nonprofits in Walker. I'd love to continue making these connections - if you're interested in setting up a time for me to visit your community, please reach out!

In other important news, there's less than a month remaining until the election on Tuesday, November 5. Do you know what's on your ballot?


All voters will have these races on their general election ballot:

  • U.S. President
  • U.S. Senator
  • U.S. Representative
  • State Representative
  • Judicial seats
  • Constitutional Amendment

You may also have one or more of these races on your ballot:

  • City or township elected officials
  • School Board
  • Local ballot questions

These state and local races matter and will impact our work at the Capitol. It's a great time to check your sample ballot, consider requesting an absentee ballot, register to vote, vote early, or make a plan to vote on November 5th. We'll be sending out the next GMNP newsletter after the November election, which will include analysis of how the results are likely to impact our work at the Capitol. Stay engaged and stay tuned as we count down to election day!




Darielle Dannen

Executive Director, Greater Minnesota Partnership



Are there others from your organization that should receive updates from the GMNP? Invite them to subscribe to our mailing list at gmnp.org/subscribe



Workforce housing funding awards announced

Minnesota Housing's Board recently approved $38.7 million in funding awards for the Workforce Housing Development Program! Congratulations to the communities who will benefit from these investments, including two projects in the Central region, three in the Northeast, one in the Northwest, twelve in the Southeast, seven in the Southwest, and two in West Central. There were 48 total applications for the funds totaling $95.8 million, and the final award will support 26 developments and partially fund one additional development. 


The GMNP successfully advocated for an increase in funding for this program during the 2023 legislative session, citing workforce housing as a critical need for Greater Minnesota communities in their efforts to recruit and retain workers.


The full list of recipients is posted on our website, and more information about the selections will be available soon on the Minnesota Housing website.


DEED announces broadband funding grant awards

On Wednesday, DEED announced $52 million in grant awards to help expand broadband service to nearly 8,000 Minnesota homes and businesses in 24 counties throughout the state. The grants come from two DEED programs:

  • $25 million from DEED's flagship Border-to-Border Broadband program
  • $27 million from the Low Population Density Program

To date, DEED has awarded over $400 million in grants through these two programs, providing broadband access to nearly 120,000 homes and businesses. Communities and internet service providers contributed over $48 million in matching funds for this grant round and over $400 million for all grant rounds to date. 


Congratulations to all of the Greater Minnesota communities that will benefit from this expansion of broadband services! You can read the full press release and review the awards here.


Paid Leave first employer deadline

The first employer deadline for Minnesota's Paid Leave program is approaching soon: Minnesota employers must begin submitting wage details for their employees by October 31, 2024. The submissions will use the same online reporting system as Unemployment Insurance (UI). Employers who have all their employees covered by UI do not need to take any additional steps. For more information, visit the UI website


Click here to subscribe to Paid Leave updates from DEED.



GMNP members will be featured at CGMC Fall Conference

Several GMNP members will have representatives participating in the upcoming Coalition of Greater Minnesota Cities Fall Conference, including Otter Tail County, the Alexandria Area Economic Development Commission, the Southwest Minnesota Housing Partnership, and D.W. Jones, Inc. All GMNP members are invited to attend the conference. More information and registration is available here.


Share Your News!

Do you have recent local projects, programs, or initiatives that you would like to share with other GMNP members? Send us a short snippet so we can include it in the next newsletter!



Join DLI Workforce Community Conversations - October

Join the Minnesota Department of Labor and Industry (DLI) to learn about the Minnesota Dual-Training Pipeline and how it can help your community meet its workforce needs. Workforce Community Conversations are open to everyone. Attendees are invited to share their unique workforce challenges and successes, network with other business leaders, and learn about dual training. 

GMNP October Office Hours - October 18

Join GMNP Executive Director Darielle Dannen anytime from 10am to noon on Friday, October 18 to share your insights, discuss the upcoming legislative session, or just chat about anything on your mind! Download the calendar invitation here or click here to join the Zoom meeting.


DLI Pipeline 101 Webinar - October 15

This webinar hosted by DLI will walk attendees through the basics of employment-based training and share tips and advice about how to set up a dual-training initiative at your company. The Pipeline team will offer resources developed to support on-the-job training and partnerships with education providers. It is intended for people new to Pipeline as well as those who would like a refresher about the program. 


Minnesota Dual-Training Pipeline 101

Tuesday, October 15 from 9am to 10am

Register here


CGMC Fall Conference - November 21-22

GMNP members are invited to join the Coalition of Greater Minnesota Cities for their annual Fall Conference from November 21 to 22 in Alexandria, MN. Visit the CGMC website for more information and registration.




The Greater Minnesota Partnership advocates for public policies and investments that stimulate prosperity throughout Greater Minnesota.

Copyright © 2024 Flaherty & Hood, P.A., All rights reserved.

Visit us online at gmnp.org

Our mailing address is:

Greater Minnesota Partnership
525 Park St., Suite 470
St. Paul, MN 55103

Contact: info@gmnp.org or 651-259-1908

This email was sent on behalf of the Greater Minnesota Partnership, located at 525 Park Street Suite 470, St. Paul, MN 55103. To unsubscribe click here. If you have questions or comments concerning this email, contact us at info@gmnp.org.