We're into the third week of the 2025 legislative session and it's a bit of a Groundhog Day situation in the House, while the Senate continues functioning under their power-sharing agreement. Expect things to shift in the Senate next week, when it's anticipated that newly-elected Senator Doran Clark is sworn in and the DFL regains a one-seat majority in the Senate.

GMNP Update - January 31, 2025

GMNP Update: A Newsletter for Members of the GMNP

GMNP UPDATE - 1/31/25


Dear GMNP Members,


We're into the third week of the 2025 legislative session and it's a bit of a Groundhog Day situation in the House, while the Senate continues functioning under their power-sharing agreement. Expect things to shift in the Senate next week, when it's anticipated that newly-elected Senator Doran Clark is sworn in and the DFL regains a one-seat majority in the Senate.


In the House, the Minnesota Supreme Court issued an opinion last Friday that 68 votes are needed for a quorum. As a result, Secretary of State Steve Simon convenes regular floor sessions that are automatically adjourned due to lack of quorum. Republican members have continued to occupy their temporary offices in the Centennial Building and are meeting with constituents and advocates, while DFL members are meeting with constituents and holding events from their districts.


Despite all of this, we continue to meet with members on both sides of the aisle to discuss our legislative agenda and advocate for our priorities.


If you have questions or want to discuss anything further, I encourage you to reach out at darielle@gmnp.org or (651) 295-1908.




Darielle Dannen

Executive Director, Greater Minnesota Partnership



Are there others from your organization that should receive updates from the GMNP? Invite them to subscribe to our mailing list at gmnp.org/subscribe



Tuesday, January 28 

Senate Housing and Homeless Prevention Committee – The Committee held a hearing to hear from advocacy groups on the state of housing.  Multiple groups presented, including the Coalition for Greater Minnesota Cities, and housing costs and development drivers were a prevalent topic of conversation. As part of this conversation, CGMC Lobbyist Elizabeth Wefel testified before the Committee about the unique housing challenges that cities in Greater Minnesota face. Her major point for lawmakers was that Greater Minnesota communities face a significant gap between housing construction costs and what residents can afford in both rental and homeownership housing. This challenge is an ongoing market failure, and CGMC and GMNP have advocated for a number of programs focused on closing this gap. Elizabeth also raised concerns about the slow rollout of these programs by Minnesota Housing, a point of ongoing frustration for both the CGMC and GMNP.  I briefly joined Elizabeth at the hearing table to echo her concerns. Finally, Elizabeth raised CGMC and GMNP's ongoing concerns about the “missing middle” bill from last year, arguing that it wouldn’t solve Greater Minnesota’s housing challenges but could create more barriers or add additional costs and delays to the housing development process.   

Wednesday, January 29 

Senate Committee on Jobs and Economic Development – State Demographer Presentation, DEED Overview Presentation. The Committee dug into the State Demographer’s Presentation with multiple questions about the state’s in- and out-migration patterns. The State Demographer shared more detail the drivers of population changes.  You can review the presentation provided here. WCCO also ran a story about this report and hearing entitled “More Young People Moving Away from Minnesota Than Coming: Impacting Workforce” which you can read/watch here 


DEED also provided a Legislative Update to the Committee.  You can review the presentation here: DEED 2025 Legislative Updates_ Senate Jobs.  During the hearing, members expressed their interest in additional hearings providing better information on the Unemployment Insurance (UI) program as well as the Paid Leave (PL) program.  Senator Pratt raised a number of questions about the balance in the UI program.  Republicans also asked additional questions about the PL program roll out and staffing updates. Agency staff shared that key PL staff have been hired and their work is underway.   

The Committee heard a number of landlord tenant bills and then heard SF 0536 (Lucero) which would exempt residential housing construction materials from state sales taxes. Senator Lucero shared his goal for this bill, which is to decrease the costs of home construction by exempting materials and supplies from sales taxes to incentivize the construction of new homes. Mark Forster from Housing First testified in support of this bill. He shared that one of his developers estimated that this bill would lead to the potential cost savings of $9 – 10K per standard rambler.  Multiple DFL members raised concerns about the bill disproportionally benefiting luxury home development and that it didn’t include a mechanism to deliver cost savings to the homebuyer. The bill author and Senator Draheim pushed back against these concerns.    



Monday, February 3 

  • Senate Committee on Jobs and Economic DevelopmentExplore Minnesota Overview; IRRRB Overview 


Tuesday, February 4 

  • Capital Investment – DEED Governor’s bonding bill overview 


Wednesday, February 4  

  • Senate Committee on Jobs and Economic Development  

  • S.F. 0221 Draheim High-wage, high-demand career prioritization in awarding competitive grants 

  • S.F. 0229 Draheim Labor force participation rates included as an economic indictor provision 

  • S.F. 0237 Draheim Greater Minnesota business development public infrastructure grant program expansion 

  • S.F. 0582 Jasinski Greater Minnesota business development public infrastructure grant program appropriation 

  • S.F. 0304 Lang Minnesota Made Per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) alternative grants appropriation 


Additional hearings may be posted throughout the week, and circumstances may change if the House comes to an agreement.


Click here for the combined legislative calendar, which includes committee materials and livestream links. Many hearings can also be found on YouTube. 



  • SF7 (Rest) - Adjustments to TIF for redevelopment districts
  • SF740 (Westrom) - Strikes the "workforce best practices" language from the broadband grant program award criteria
  • SF743 (Gruenhagen) - Child care programs, relaxes staff-to-child ratios outside 7-county metro area
  • SF843 (Hauschild) - Revising the lower population density matching, moving the state maximum match from 75% to 90%

Click here to search for bills, see a complete list of bill introductions, and view bill summaries.



The House and Senate agreed to the following Legislative Breaks:   

  • Eid Break - March 29 – March 31 with Committee activities resuming on April 1, 2025.  

  • Easter/Passover break – April 11 at 12pm – April 21 at 12pm 

Typically, we would also have committee deadlines to share with you but with the House yet to move forward, leadership have not yet agreed to those deadlines.



If you have questions or want to discuss anything further, please feel free to reach out at darielle@gmnp.org or (651) 295-1908.



CGMC Legislative Action Day - February 12, 2025

GMNP members are invited to join the Coalition of Greater Minnesota Cities for their annual Legislative Action Day in St. Paul. Visit the CGMC website for more information and registration.


The Greater Minnesota Partnership advocates for public policies and investments that stimulate prosperity throughout Greater Minnesota.

Copyright © 2025 Flaherty & Hood, P.A., All rights reserved.

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Greater Minnesota Partnership
525 Park St., Suite 470
St. Paul, MN 55103

Contact: info@gmnp.org or 651-259-1908

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