Happy holidays to all! It has been a busy end to the year and I'm grateful for your partnership as we prepare for the 2025 legislative session.

GMNP Update - December 13, 2024

GMNP Update: A Newsletter for Members of the GMNP



Dear GMNP Members,


Happy holidays to all! It has been a busy end to the year and I'm grateful for your partnership as we prepare for the 2025 legislative session. To that end, I've been having some initial meetings with key lawmakers to connect with them about GMNP priorities and lay the groundwork for the upcoming session. With the House tied, I'm feeling optimistic that Greater Minnesota issues will get more recognition in the coming biennium - many Greater Minnesota lawmakers have been appointed as co-chairs of key committees and many of them have indicated that one of their major goals is to fight for rural areas. While the November budget forecast was more modest than many had hoped (more on that below) I'm hopeful that the common-sense solutions we will be pushing for will resonate with new and returning lawmakers. I'm looking forward to working with all of you in the coming year to advocate for solutions to Greater Minnesota's most vexing challenges.


One exciting new development for the GMNP is that we're standing up a new Legislative Advisory Committee! This Committee will help develop the GMNP's legislative platform, strategize to move our priorities forward during session, and identify opportunities for advocacy. The Committee will meet regularly during the legislative session and less often during the interim. Are you interested? The Legislative Advisory Committee is open to all members in good standing - send me a note to let me know if you or someone else from your organization is interested in joining.


If you have questions or want to discuss anything further, I encourage you to join the next GMNP Office Hours on Friday, January 10 anytime from 10am to 12pm. Click here for the event details. You can also reach out at darielle@gmnp.org or (651) 295-1908.




Darielle Dannen

Executive Director, Greater Minnesota Partnership



Are there others from your organization that should receive updates from the GMNP? Invite them to subscribe to our mailing list at gmnp.org/subscribe



November budget forecast

Many of you have already seen the headlines about the state's November forecast, which was released last week. The November and February forecasts are two major signposts in the state's budgeting process, and the November forecast is the earliest indication of the state's fiscal health. In the forecast, experts project the state's revenue and spending for the next four years.


Key takeaways:

  • Small balance of $616 million projected for the 2026-2027 biennium, which is $1.1 billion less than prior estimates.
  • Reduction comes from lower income and sales tax collections combined with higher spending in long-term care services and special education.
  • November forecast shows slower employment and wage growth than the February 2024 forecast.
  • Minnesota added 6,000 jobs per month from January through April 2024, but just 1,200 jobs between May and October this year.

The 2025 legislative session will be a very competitive environment for spending. With the projected structural imbalance (i.e. that projected spending is more than projected revenues) at -$3.1 billion in FY 2026-2027 and $-5.1 billion in FY 2028-2029, lawmakers will have to make tough decisions as they craft the next budget.


House committee co-chairs and membership named

The details of the power-sharing arrangement in the Minnesota House came into greater focus over the last few weeks, with both caucuses naming their committee co-chairs and full committee membership for most committees. An agreement previously announced between the House DFL and Republican caucuses stipulated that committees will be split evenly by party, including the co-chairs.


Key GMNP committees and co-chairs are as follows:

Click here to access the full committee rosters. We don't know yet how exactly committees will operate on a day-to-day basis, which may be different for each committee. However, with this important step done, the 2025 legislative session is shaping up.


MHFA Local Government Housing Programs updates

Minnesota Housing recently presented an overview of the new Local Government Housing programs. You can watch the recording of the webinar and the accompanying presentation to review the details. Information on all the Local Government Housing Programs can be found here. Look for further updates and information in the coming weeks.


DEED seeks community reviewers

This winter, DEED will need community members to help review competitive workforce development grant programs. Apply here to be a community reviewer - but act fast! The application closes on Monday, December 16 at 4:30pm.


Climate Innovation Finance Authority

Both the Draft Investment Strategy and the Draft Strategic Plan are now available for the Climate Innovation Finance Authority. You can review those drafts at the links above.



Share Your News!

Do you have recent local projects, programs, or initiatives that you would like to share with other GMNP members? Send us a short snippet so we can include it in the next newsletter!



GMNP Office Hours - January 10, 2025

Join GMNP Executive Director Darielle Dannen anytime from 10am to noon on Friday, January 10 to discuss the upcoming legislative session, share insights from your work, or just chat about anything on your mind!  Download the calendar invitation here or click here to join the Zoom meeting.


Start of 2025 Legislative Session - January 14, 2025

The 2025 legislative session is just a month away! The fun officially begins on January 14, 2025 and the regular session will wrap up at the end of May.


CGMC Legislative Action Day - February 12, 2025

GMNP members are invited to join the Coalition of Greater Minnesota Cities for their annual Legislative Action Day in St. Paul. Visit the CGMC website for more information and registration.



Economic Development - Available Now:



The Greater Minnesota Partnership advocates for public policies and investments that stimulate prosperity throughout Greater Minnesota.

Copyright © 2024 Flaherty & Hood, P.A., All rights reserved.

Visit us online at gmnp.org

Our mailing address is:

Greater Minnesota Partnership
525 Park St., Suite 470
St. Paul, MN 55103

Contact: info@gmnp.org or 651-259-1908

This email was sent on behalf of the Greater Minnesota Partnership, located at 525 Park Street Suite 470, St. Paul, MN 55103. To unsubscribe click here. If you have questions or comments concerning this email, contact us at info@gmnp.org.