I've been having preliminary discussions with many of you about how we can improve the impact of the GMNP at the legislature. These are incredibly valuable conversations, and many of you have provided feedback about improving our communications, creating better opportunities to engage lawmakers, and providing more avenues for members to give input and feedback as we develop our legislative agenda and strategies. 

GMNP Update - September 13, 2024

GMNP Update: A Newsletter for Members of the GMNP



Dear GMNP Members,


I've been having preliminary discussions with many of you about how we can improve the impact of the GMNP at the legislature. These are incredibly valuable conversations, and many of you have provided feedback about improving our communications, creating better opportunities to engage lawmakers, and providing more avenues for members to give input and feedback as we develop our legislative agenda and strategies. 


I'd like to continue these conversations, and also create a regular space for us to connect. In that spirit, I'm going to start offering monthly virtual office hours. Join me next Friday, September 20, anytime from 10am to noon to share your insights, let me know about something exciting you're working on, or tell me something you wish the GMNP was doing. 


Click here to download the calendar invite, or visit the GMNP website for more details.


Hope to see you there!


Darielle Dannen

Executive Director, Greater Minnesota Partnership.



Are there others from your organization that should receive updates from the GMNP? Invite them to subscribe to our mailing list at gmnp.org/subscribe



Sign up for updates from Department of Children, Youth and Families (DCYF)

At the annual GMNP Membership Meeting on August 19th, DCYF Commissioner Tikki Brown shared the following links where GMNP members can sign up for alerts as they continue to build out the new agency:


Click here to subscribe to DYCF email updates


Click here to subscribe to updates from Minnesota Management & Budget


DCYF expects to do a Greater Minnesota tour in November/December 2024, and will be taking over the child care licensing work from the Department of Human Services (DHS) in 2025 - so if you're working on child care issues, be sure to sign up above so you don't miss out on opportunities. We'll also be tracking any new developments and will share news as it becomes available.


Key leader at DYCF announced

Dianne Haulcy was recently announced as the Assistant Commissioner of Early Childhood at DYCF. This position will be a key hire for child care work and she will oversee the transition of child care licensing requirements from DHS to DYCF.


DEED and Explore Minnesota launch "Star of the North" campaign

The Minnesota Department of Employment and Economic Development (DEED) and Explore Minnesota announced a new campaign designed to attract businesses to Minnesota by highlighting the stories of leading businesses throughout key industries. Read the press release here or check out the campaign website.


Paid Leave updates and first employer deadline

DEED recently released their monthly Paid Leave update for August as Minnesota prepares to launch the statewide Paid Leave program.


The first employer deadline is approaching soon: Minnesota employers must begin submitting wage details for their employees by October 31, 2024. The submissions will use the same online reporting system as Unemployment Insurance (UI). Employers who have all their employees covered by UI do not need to take any additional steps. For more information, visit the UI website


DEED has been traveling throughout Greater Minnesota to share updates and answer questions about the new state program. There are more meetings scheduled throughout September and October - click here to check out an engagement session near you.


Click here to subscribe to Paid Leave updates from DEED.


Give us your feedback on Minnesota Housing 2026-2027 Qualified Allocation Plan!

Minnesota Housing is currently holding a second public comment period regarding the 2026-2027 Housing Tax Credit (HTC) Qualified Allocation Plan (QAP). The QAP sets the overall funding priorities for the 2025 and 2026 Multifamily Consolidated RFP and all 2026 and 2027 funding rounds. Review the QAP and other documents below:

  1. Summary of Proposed Changes Resulting from Public Comments
  2. Qualified Allocation Plan
  3. Self-Scoring Worksheet
  4. Methodology Guide
  5. Innovative Construction Techniques Guidance

Please email GMNP Executive Director Darielle Dannen if you have feedback for Minnesota Housing that you would like the GMNP to submit. The GMNP will submit a letter on behalf of our members if there is significant feedback. 


Minnesota Housing will also hold a virtual public hearing on the second draft of the 2026-2027 QAP on Thursday, September 19 from 10am-11am. Click here to register.



Population and Business Recruitment Efforts - Otter Tail County

GMNP member Otter Tail County was recently featured in a MinnPost article highlighting the county's successful efforts to boost their population in the face of projected population decline. In addition to marketing efforts to promote tourism and increase awareness of what the county has to offer, Otter Tail County has also focused on improvements to infrastructure, including housing, child care, and broadband. Click here to read the article.


Clean Energy Funding for Rural Communities Announced - Great River Energy

Congratulations to GMNP member Great River Energy, one of four Minnesota electric cooperatives that will receive funds from a $7.3 billion award from the U.S. Department of Agriculture. The funding is designed to support the transition to clean energy in rural communities throughout the country. Click here to read the full press release.


Share Your News!

Do you have recent local projects, programs, or initiatives that you would like to share with other GMNP members? Send us a short snippet so we can include it in the next newsletter!



Paid Leave Engagement Sessions - September and October

This summer and fall, the Paid Leave team is planning a series of engagement sessions with employers in partnership with the state and regional chambers across Greater Minnesota. The following is the meeting schedule, with additional information to follow:

Visit the Paid Leave website for more information about these engagement sessions and other events. 


CRPD Rural Voice Series - Thursday, September 19

The Center for Rural Policy & Development (CRPD) is partnering with the Minnesota Initiative Foundations, the Otto Bremer Foundation, and Compeer Financial to present the Rural Voice Series, a series of town hall meetings moderated by MPR's Keri Miller. Just one town hall remains!


Revival and Renewal: How Rural Communities Thrive as Immigrants Put Down Roots.

Thursday, September 19, 6:30-8:30pm

Forbidden Barrel Brewing Company

900 3rd Avenue

Worthington, MN 56187

Register here


Minnesota Housing 2026-2027 QAP Public Hearing - Thursday, September 19

Minnesota Housing is holding a second public hearing regarding the 2026-2027 Housing Tax Credit (HTC) Qualified Allocation Plan (QAP).  The 2026-2027 QAP will set the overall funding priorities for the 2025 and 2026 Multifamily Consolidated Request for Proposals and all 2026 and 2027 HTC funding rounds. The virtual hearing will take place on Thursday, September 19 from 10am to 11am. Register here.


Review the QAP and other documents below:

  1. Summary of Proposed Changes Resulting from Public Comments
  2. Qualified Allocation Plan
  3. Self-Scoring Worksheet
  4. Methodology Guide
  5. Innovative Construction Techniques Guidance

CGMC Fall Conference - November 21-22

GMNP members are invited to join the Coalition of Greater Minnesota Cities for their annual Fall Conference from November 21 to 22 in Alexandria, MN. Visit the CGMC website for more information and registration.




The Greater Minnesota Partnership advocates for public policies and investments that stimulate prosperity throughout Greater Minnesota.

Copyright © 2024 Flaherty & Hood, P.A., All rights reserved.

Visit us online at gmnp.org

Our mailing address is:

Greater Minnesota Partnership
525 Park St., Suite 470
St. Paul, MN 55103

Contact: info@gmnp.org or 651-259-1908

This email was sent on behalf of the Greater Minnesota Partnership, located at 525 Park Street Suite 470, St. Paul, MN 55103. To unsubscribe click here. If you have questions or comments concerning this email, contact us at info@gmnp.org.